From Research and Testing Room Vol.8
The month of October
Hello again, this is Kita from Classic’s Research and Testing Room!
Time flies and it’s October already… Now we are entering into the season with cool (or cold) air which make us want to stay wrapped in a warm blanket… it’s hard to believe that we were in the middle of hot summer a little while ago!
In most years, October is filled with events like sports day at schools and local festivals, but with COVID-19, we must suspend such “fun with close contact“ just yet for now.
I thought I will enjoy this lovely season as much as possible by satisfying my appetite with great autumn food at home… then, I’ve heard that fishermen are having a tough year for catching Japan’s #1 autumn food, sanma (pacific saury)… which is just sad.
The reason for a poor catch is suspected to be overfishing in the nearby ocean or decrease of a number of sanma in nature, etc.
If the latter is the case, maybe we should eat less sanma to protect them from extinction. Meanwhile, let’s enjoy all the other iconic harvest of the season—vegetables and mushrooms are great to pair with warm sake.

Classic is currently putting our efforts to promote orchid. We have re-assorted the lines of our offers by grade, and introduced more affordable, high cost-performance grade from Vietnam.
We are aimed to provide high quality orchid for a reasonable price, while securing stable supply and delivering them without any interruption in a cool chain.
We are hoping that more and more people will like our new line of orchid.
Back to our research and testing room, we collect facts to back up our products’ selling points so that we can communicate such with confidence.
I collect data for a set of items such as the size of flower head, thickness of stems, alignment of flowers, vase life, etc., to use as evidence.
When I notice something special about a particular item, I will immediately give such feedback to the buyer, so that he/she can work with the grower to deliver what we truly desire for our customers.
Carnations branded by Classic Japan
The carnation is available all year round, so we try to offer an assortment of different colors that fits the season with home-decoration needs in mind.
When our buyers have their eyes on a particular variety after a close communication with breeders, we need to find out about the shipping requirement (durability) and conduct some tests after receiving them in Japan.
Sometimes, we come across with a one-of-a-kind variety, only to find some damages caused by packing, dehydration, or problems with keeping the necessary nutrients after a long trip to Japan. We record each finding, one by one, and accumulate them as data to communicate better with growers—so that we can proudly deliver those special flowers we found as another “Classic’s carnations” to the hands of our customers.
Yes, “we won’t give up nor give in until we reach the classic standards!”
A season of gardening?!
#class-chic life with flowers
#Enjoy home with flowers
#Create a cool lifestyle with Classic’s flowers
The government is changing the course of actions against COVID-19, promoting “Go-to campaign” instead of just asking us to stay home. However, unfortunately a good amount of people is reported to be newly infected with this virus every day.
Should we just continue to stay home and keep away from the crowds? Or maybe we should not be afraid of the virus too much and just go out more often?? Our minds are often lost in-between, and just thinking about it can be very stressful…
One thing we know for sure is that flowers can add a color to your life. It will make you smile to see flowers welcoming you at home after a long day out. Flowers can be a good cheering partner while working from home, too.
When I was watching TV the other day, someone said this fall is “not a season of appetite but a season of gardening.”
Obviously this person was mentioning about growing greens rather than taking care of cut-flowers, but it gave me an idea to spend this beautiful season surrounded by both greens and flowers—it will be very peaceful and lovely!
Luckily, coming season is on cut-flowers sides; the lower the temperature, the better the vase life. (Some survive 3 times longer in midwinter compared to the summer!)
Soon, the leaves will turn to yellow, red, then brown, and you will see less green outside. When that happens, consider to decorate your house with some flowers to add some vibrant colors around you!.
Classic will continue to be an advocator for #class-chic life with flowers!